Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I knew it would not last. The house across the street had been empty for seven months. Before that a quiet woman had lived there, regularly visited by her son. That son now has found renters and he already rues the day he let them move in. They are a nasty bunch. Loud. Their friends are loud, and there are many, many visitors. Extended horn honking during the night. The woman has a very nasty mouth, and clearly not too bright. Countless children run in the yard, climb the trees, pull down branches, make a huge mud puddle and play in it. Yuck.
No, I don't spend my day watching out the window.
I have a copy of the rental agreement, which the son sent to me after he had to be awakened late one night when there was a huge ruckus.
The dogs are having a hard time settling down at night what with the 2 am car door slamming and good byes.

Jeez, people knock it off!


Ray said...

This sort of thing is exactly why Hammurabi set down a code of laws, why Draco enforced state punishment of criminal offence. It's time to start calling the police on these dirtbags. Maybe they will quite down a little before they are evicted. Is he still proceeding with that? Does the rental agreement specify a certain amount of notice?

Heide said...

Things had calmed quite a bit, until last evening when there was a very loud, long argument, with many f-bombs thrown.