Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Party On

So, the smoke has pretty much cleared. Air quality isn't great, but so much more reasonable.

My family came here on the weekend to help celebrate yet another year of my life. Food and drink, conversation and games.
On the "real" day my good friend took me to lunch at the Il Fornio restaurant in Roseville. One of our favorite "fancy" places.
Then on Friday I will take a special young lady, along with some very nice neighborhood kids to the new swim complex in Yuba City for a session. Fast food after as a very special treat.
Did I say they are nice kids? They offered to do chores for me after that. Such as filling in dog-dug holes in the yard, shredding papers in my office, crushing cans, mulching flowers. I'll think of more. (Shhh, I've been saving jobs just for this day)

The cakes are gone, the cookies last and we party on!

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