She loved children, always happy to invite them into the yard with great fanfare and noise. She especially loved to bark. Barked for the sheer joy of it, for no apparent reason, but long and loud.
She was strong, could pull eight foot landscape timbers out of their position, move them clear across the large lot, to chew on them at will.
She liked a variety of drinking water. Fresh or feathery from the bird bath, delivered out of a sprinkler, from the little in-ground pond where the plants had to be lifted out along with the water. She could also perform elegant, acrobatic stunts to get to her most favorite water source. She would jump up three feet to the edge of the fish pond, lean over just so and have the water delivered into her mouth. Fell in only once!
She looooved the cat, she loved Azi, even played with the pigeons when she could. She's not a killer, so she seemed so happy when she came across a baby mouse one day. To keep her little playmate safe, she did the best thing she knew, put it in her mouth where it was nice and warm. Nobody knows how long she had the mouse-icle. Eventually, a human noticed the tail hanging out and she gave it up.
The last time she was seen, she was exploring the possibilities of digging to China.
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