Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pond Maintainance

It's pretty easy taking care of this pond. Every couple of months I put in some biological product that keeps the water balanced. I rarely check it anymore. The fish and plants are happy and the water is mostly clear-ish.
One end of the six hundred gallon tank is thick with an assortment of plants and only about three feet deep.
The other end is deeper, colder and has a stone shelf under which the fish can hide.
Today is the day I need to get out there, switch off the pump, pull the heavy filter out of the water and clean out the components. It's not a bad job if you like to play in water, and I do.
It's another story though in the winter when the water is very cold. At least twice every winter I end up cleaning it.
Today, however, I'll enjoy it since it's toasty out there.

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