Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December Rush

Somehow the time slipped away from me. What with appointments to keep, books to read and socks to knit. Yesterday I had one of the screws removed out of my foot's bone. After which I had to lay down because I felt weird. The second break is a bit slow to bond, so that hardware will stay in a bit longer.
So when the mail carrier arrived with a Christmas card I knew it was time to get organized. Today I spent writing cards and baking bread.
Tomorrow the cat sees the vet because she has a sore under her arm pit and is not feeling well. She hasn't moved far in twenty-four hours. You know something is wrong when she won't eat a bit of ham from the deli. I carried her to and from the commode and now it's nap time on the couch. That's a change from the fur covered bench.
Friday I will go to the Sacramento Auditorium with Suzanne's youngster's class to see TheNutcracker. I never managed to work my schedule to go while I worked for the school district. I don't mind the bus trip. I enjoy sitting up higher for a different perspective and not be concerned with the practicalities of driving, and parking in the Capitol.
Monday the pest control guy will........ be continued

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