My previous entry did not cool Suzanne down at all. It's still hot. A couple more days of over 100' still coming. So I went out in the yard on Wednesday and worked for three hours. Couldn't put it off any longer. I used all my garden toys and made the property look pretty.
I am having a hard time beating the dogs to the raspberries. They are much more vigilant and beat me to the harvest.
Then I had a tomato ripening. A lovely pink tomato. Surely they won't see it hidden under some vine. What was I thinking? The tomato's gone as well. I mean, really! I already plant them in pots in an out of the way spot.
Next year I need to rethink my garden space for edibles. We used to have an enclosure for the dogs. I want to make an enclosure for the garden instead.
Because I've been spending so much time outdoors, I've neglected the inside of my home and today is the day I will fix that.
So, I'm through procrastinating and get to it.
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