Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Annual Migration of the Birds

It really is autumn!
This morning started out a bit overcast with some drizzle. Midmorning I walked across the street to our mailbox. Once the youngsters head off to school, and the workers leave for their jobs, it is very quiet around here.
So I was a bit surprised to hear a gaggle of geese overhead, followed by a couple more. Flying high, heading south. We live under a major western flyway and this is a twice yearly event, going on over several months. The birds come in to rest and feed on the barren rice fields for a few days and fly on. Depending on the species they come early, or later.
Gray Lodge Wildlife Area is the most quiet place I know. Larger than many towns or counties, it is eerily still. I have walked Azi there. Along the long walking path there are mostly song birds, sometimes ducks.
The big birds can be seen by car only, no getting out. It is an amazing sight, thousands of birds on the water, resting and feeding. After rice harvest is complete many of the neighboring fields are open for the birds to feed off of them. Hunting clubs are opened by then as well. Hunters, of course, pay for many of the conservation efforts.
Last year we saw a raccoon by the side of the path. He gave us the:"What do you want? Move on, already!" look.
So, the year's migration has begun!

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