Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Personal Moon

The patio behind the house is a great place to sit, especially at the end of the day.
A fine place to have dinner, a drink, entertain visitors. A perfect spot to play a few hands of cards.
But the light was never just right. There are Fairy-lights mounted on the eaves about ten feet away, OK, fine, they are Christmas lights. Wonderful ambiance, not bright enough to read by or see cards well. We tried candles, too much glare, not enough light.
On our last trip to Ikea we found lantern parts that we used to hobble together our own moon. It's lightweight, won't drag the frame down. We fitted it with a CFL and it only uses 11W. How great is that?
So tonight 'Shel and I are already scheduled for some cards, by the light of the moon.

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