Friday, January 25, 2008

Victims of Murder and Murderers

Last weekend a young man that I knew was murdered. He had been a student at the last school at which I worked. He had been a reasonable young man in elementary school. He was one of a large gathering of youth in town, after midnight, and was stabbed. In olden days we would have said, "There was a rumble!"
He was not, by far, the only young person I knew to have been killed at the hand of someone else. There have been four to my memory. It is always a surprise to hear about it. Even those that hung with the "wrong" crowd, you don't expect them to be victims.
I've also known three murderers. I knew them as youngsters and in most cases it came as no surprise when they became killers. We discussed one third grader and thought then that he would kill some day in anger. He killed the high school football coach in the hallway of a clinic. Another killed his baby when he became frustrated. The third killed his girlfriend / fiancee, both had been to our school, classmates even.
I think it is much more likely to recognize, peg if you will, a future killer than project who might be a victim later in life.
I am saddened by this latest, needless loss.


Ray said...

Yeah, I think that a lot of people believe that they would like to know the future, but sometimes, working in education, we do see the future, and it's really just sad...

Heide said...

On this last one: Why was this minor in town with his younger sister at one in the morning. They have parents. Or do they?