Saturday, January 5, 2008

Yuk, and Double Yuk: Random Thoughts

The neighbor's roof is on the street. As are the grapefruit from her tree.
I'm waiting for the tree guy, again. He is just cutting trees this weekend. Cleanup will be done when it's drier.
The lumberyard was very busy this morning. Did I mention that I'm so, so sick of fixing our fence? Until we do, the dogs won't have free run of the yard. Luckily two neighbors propped up their sections, so we only have to fix one area. I got new Wellington boots today to wear when we fix the fence.

We played cards by candlelight last night. I did not win. I did not win at Trivial Pursuit either.
Ray made Stove Top dressing with hot tap water. Not the best.
When power is out for miles around, you can see constellations in the night sky that you might have forgotten about. Very cool.
While outside in the dark, you realize the light from the car's alarm is eerily bright.
Lights or not, dogs and cat want their food, on time, in light or dark.
When the carpets have been recently cleaned and wet dogs come into the house, the carpets will get nasty dirty in no time at all. Thank goodness there are baby gates that we use on such an occasion. The carpet can be cleaned again. Thanks, beasts.
Today the world is fixed, and I had a tasty, hot meal. Comfort foods.


Anonymous said...

I forgot that your stove is electric. For future reference, you can always come here for hot food (and s warm house) during an outage.

Heide said...

Thanks, we will keep that in mind. My friend M is still without electricity. She uses her fireplace to keep warm.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Ray said...

Why come don't I never get no Portuguese commentationers/spammers on my blog?