Friday, June 29, 2007

Yard and Dogs

I don't like working in the yard when it gets too hot. So I've been up early the last couple of days,to tackle the wood chips.
Then I remembered the Rainbird sprinkler that the mower man had killed five years ago, I had not
yet repaired. So I dug it up, went to the the plumbing store, bought the needed pieces, glued it back together, let it sit, tested it, and filled the hole, stomped in the grass. And then I let it run for a bit.
Poor, poor Azi! He loves to play in water, especially when it's sprayed from a hose. So this sprinkler is just like turning on a hose for him and he goes and goes. Trying to eat the spray, and running here and there in an attempt to catch the spray,
without success and churning up the replaced grass. He'd probably keep going until he'd keel over with a heart attack.
Meanwhile Alani was watching him go manic, chasing him a bit, barking at him, and getting wet in the process. She usually doesn't play in water, just chases Azi when he does. So I brought Azi in for a shower, putting up the baby gates to keep him in and the doors open, when I hear an unusual sound that I need to check on. There is Alani, all by herself, playing in the sprinkler, graceful as a gazelle, jumping and leaping. Really too cute, I have to get Ray and Shel and show them. So Ray films her and you might check his blog.
So now I have a working sprinkler again, but I need to be careful when I turn it on. I used to run it for several hours when it worked before, to get deep soaking. We shall see.

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