Sunday, June 3, 2007

Jury Duty

While I was gone I received a notice for jury duty. Mr. Feckless called the court house to let them know that I was away, and the date was changed for next week. While I generally don't mind serving, the timing is inconvenient, as I had promised to go on a field trip with a class at the school where I used to work. Suzanne's youngster is doing schoolwork at home, and I'd planned to get with her a couple of times. Then, while reading the paper thoroughly, I found out that this pending murder case is finally going to be decided.
Maybe I'll wear really bossy clothes, so the defense will think that I'm opinionated and will dismiss me.
Or maybe I'll play the gramma card with tiny flowers on the shirt and take some knitting and the prosecution will think I'm soft on crime.
We shall see.

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