Friday, June 29, 2007


I really believe that a reward comes in time for good deeds. So, I worked hard today and felt I could float around in the pool, cooling off for a bit. I was watching the finches on the feeders, the jays, even the pigeons, the fighter jets.
What? Oh, that's right! There is an air show at the nearby county airport this weekend. And I get to see much of the show. For free. Just laying on my back, watching old and new planes strut their stuff. Really, really cool! Two more days of it, and now with more of the trees gone, the view is so much better. Oh, well, there is that whole squinting into the sun thing, but I look forward to the annual Fly-In. Last year we saw one of the stealth planes, that was so awesome.
So, that was my reward today, to be able to see some great planes.

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