I worked on the hole that will be the terrace. It's nearly level and ready for the weed block and gravel.
Suzanne asked me to help her refresh the garden bed near the front door, to update the curb appeal. So I went there in the afternoon, waiting for that area to be shady. Dug out what we can use and is worth keeping. Those plants filled two large buckets and some large trash bags. I also hauled two pots home to replant there. Round-Up is my best friend for this project.
I put all the salvaged plants into a large tub here to recuperate in the shade until we know where to plant them again. I replanted the two pots with salvage and new plants, adding fresh soil, then soaking them well. Meanwhile I'd come inside to make dinner. Yes, the cutest dog in the world found the new plants bringing two of then to the back door to show us. Needless to say I didn't see her or would have taken them away before she had shaken the soil several feet up the stucco wall, into the washroom, into the washer. We saved the plants which I later planted.
Then I went to bed, reading. Michelle found yet another plant by the door. So Alani'd uprooted it, gnawed it some. I replaced it , again, and we moved the pots into the driveway, outside of the gate. We decided that perhaps the plant had been marked in Suzanne's yard by a cat, and the dog didn't like the smell. She was so persistent, not her usual way to do things.
So today, I dug some more on my hole, perhaps by the weekend we will be graveling, sanding and paving.
I'm looking forward to just sitting down and having no big projects waiting.
Thanks for doing this for me...I guarantee the neighborhood cats have been spraying in that flowerbed.
I indeed think that was the issue, as we could smell the lovely, distinctive (stinc) odor on the plant.
[Besides, Alani is done with destroying plants. She and Sholeh ( the the mature (3years old) dog girl) have been after this rat that runs the fence rail in the evening.]
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