Seen in Europe.
"Smart Car" is its name. Carries two people and a couple of bags of whatever. We saw them used as delivery cars for bakeries. (We know how necessary those fresh rolls are in the morning.)
You can squeeze them in any small space to park. Daimler/Chrysler is losing money on this model.
Perhaps a little too small for our needs here.
I saw lots of these smart cars when I was in Italy.
They love to park them anywhere, and they're very bold about driving over the double yellow line.
If we had them in the USA we probably wouldn't have to worry abaout overpopulation.
Yeah, Cee/Anonymous, The're all over Spain too, but I just don't think they'd work for a trip to Sam's Club or Home Depot.
Maybe a student with textbooks, but what about all those friends. Wouldn't save any fuel for them, they already carpool.
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