Saturday, July 28, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I was looking after Suzanne's youngster today. Oh, what to do? On the way to Sam's I thought to stop by at a friend's house. Since she didn't answer her phone we just went unannounced. We chatted, picked fruit, looked for chickens, webbed the windows. I only did the first two, but the youngster went country. She even had a tractor ride .
Back home we decided to have mashed potatoes with the rotisserie chicken. I'd made little fruit tarts for dessert.
No, she'd never peeled potatoes, sure she'll do it. "And don't forget to put salt in them"! "Turn up the music, please! I work better with music!" I added the milk, butter and let her beat them. We ate, she rated the meal very high. Good for me.
Later she says:" I'll tell you how to make mashed potatoes now! First you put milk and water in a pot, add butter, pepper and salt. Then you open the package, pour the little pieces of potatoes in and stir. And, voila, you have mashed potatoes. That's how you really make them!"
I told her what we did was called "cooking"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That must have been Becci's method because it's not quite how we do it here. Thanks for taking her off my hands today...I really, really, really needed the break. And, I might be a little bit happy about the fountain (and the tool chest) as well.